Product description SITA ConSpector
With the SITA ConSpector you have the contamination and standing time (lifespan) of various cleaning baths under control.
User-friendly, handy, robust and optimized for daily use are the unique features of the SITA Conspector. These properties enable organizations to implement quality improvements in surface treatment processes, but also the service life of cleaning baths. Any professional organization involved in cleaning and keeping objects clean by means of washing, spraying or immersion baths can quickly and easily optimize their processes by using the SITA ConSpector.
SITA Conspector has a clearly readable screen where the contamination of oils and greases that remain in washing, spraying and dipping baths is quickly displayed. The display provides the users with the following information; pollution, temperature, date and time. Test procedures can be saved for future reference. The SITA ConSpector is a standalone instrument for quality and process control.
The advantages at a glance:
- Mobile and robust instrument for flexible use in the (production) process and in the laboratory
- Intuitive operation: take measurements easily and quickly
- Automatic calibration
- Objective evaluation of the baths and oil and grease contaminants
- Cleaning process efficiency by optimizing the lifespan of the bath
- Cost reduction by optimizing the service life of the cleaning bath
- Optimal control of bath care measures and cleaning processes
Indien de te reinigen onderdelen meer vervuild zijn, zal de reinigingstijd toenemen en dit zal sneller leiden tot meer verontreiniging in de wasstraat. Hoge verontreinigingsniveaus bij reinigings- of spoelstraten (baden) verminderen de reinigingsprestaties en veroorzaken daardoor kwaliteitsproblemen. De SITA ConSpector detecteert het vervuilingsniveau door de fluorescentie van procesvloeistoffen te meten. Typische verontreinigingen zijn oliën, vetten en koelsmeermiddelen. Het gemeten verontreinigingsniveau wordt gebruikt voor een objectieve meting van de conditie van het bad. De vervangingstijd van de vloeistof in het reinigingsbad kan snel en objectief worden bepaald en de effecten van service en onderhoudsmaatregelen kunnen worden gecontroleerd. Het mobiele meetapparaat kan direct bij de reinigingsinstallatie of in het laboratorium worden gebruikt.
Windows Software SITA ProcessLog (optional)
- Graphical representation of saved measurement data
- Recording and evaluation of data per bath and associated contamination level
- Management and analysis of stored readings
- Quick and easy preparation of test reports
- Control the measurement via PC (Notebook)
- Easy creation and management of measurement profiles created with defined samples